Pierre Bernard

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ObjectiveLocr 2.0 released

This project is based off the objectiveflickr project by Lukhnos D. Liu. Most of the credit goes to him!

Please refer to the objectiveflickr for framework documentation and to the locr.com web site for API documentation.

ObjectiveLocr is used by
HoudahGeo (Mac photo geotagging), locrUpload (locr upload client for iPhone) and locrExplorer (full-featured locr client for iPhone).


Houdah iPhone Properties

I just open-sourced a couple of classes to simplify working with UITableViewControllers to create property editing interfaces.
The controllers and views of this project may be used to easily create interfaces much like Apple's Settings applications. They make up most of the UI of the free
LocrUpload application.
The PropertiesViewController may be used to modify attributes of any key-value-coding compliant container. Typically a container would be a NSMutableDictionary or a NSUserDefaults instance.
The controller is typically configured in a subclass by providing a set of descriptors. Descriptors are immutable objects describe the properties to expose and the UI elements (text field, switch, ...) to use. Seeing that descriptors are immutable, it should be easy to store them in a file rather than building them in code.
The SelectionViewController is used by the PropertiesViewController for multiple choice values.

LocrUpload for iPhone

Apple has finally given LocrUpload for iPhone its blessing.

LocrUpload allows you to share your iPhoto photos on the locr.com community. locr is more than a photo sharing community. In addition to a free account, innovative software and an international community, locr.com makes it possible to tag your photos with location information and geodata anywhere in the world.

I discovered locr when I was asked to add locr upload capabilities to HoudahGeo. locr integration is now available in HoudahGeo 2.1 or later as well as in the freeware HoudahGeo LE (Locr Edition).

While HoudahGeo is a commercial product, LocrUpload for iPhone is ad-free freeware. I don't make any money of it. It is simply a product I wanted to exist. Combined the iPhone and locr make a great set-up to share geocoded photos while on the go. I foresee myself frequently sharing the occasional snapshot.

Get LocrUpload for FREE from the iTunes AppStore.


Geotagging via the iPhone 3G

Don McAllister of shows how to combine Trails on iPhone with HoudahGeo to create a low budget geotagging solution to make the most of iPhoto's Places feature.
Don went out on a mini ScreenCastsOnline roadrip to take some photos of two famous Liverpool landmarks. In
episode SCO0186 he takes you through the complete process from start to finish demonstrating Trails, HoudahGeo and iPhoto '09.

Friendliest Sudoku App Yet

AppCraver.com published a raving review of ACTSudoku: ACTSudoku - Friendliest Sudoku App Yet

Top 10 productivity apps

ACTPrinter made the list of top 10 productivity apps.

The Japanese like ACTPrinter

About 70% of the ACTPrinter sales happen in Japan. This has pushed ACTPrinter to the number 2 spot in the Japanese top 100 paid applications.

ACTPrinter sales through the roof

ACTPrinter - the printer for virtual paper on your iPhone - sold 1296 copies yesterday!

Peter Cohen did a nice write-up on ACTPrinter for Macworld. Much appreciated!

Crazy Sale: Get ACTSudoku for FREE

This weekend, get ACTSudoku UNLIMITED for FREE! This is your chance to discover what makes ACTSudoku truly unique.

Same great product. Same license. Same upgrade privileges. 100% off! No strings attached.

We do ask for a small favor: If you like ACTSudoku, please post a review on iTunes. Otherwise write us at support.iphone@houdah.com. Customer feedback shapes the future of our products.

BTW, we make great Mac software too:
HoudahSpot & HoudahGeo.

ACTCurrency Free for iPhone / iPod Touch

This week only, ACTCurrency is available for FREE on the iTunes App Store.

All I ask for is for you to write a review on iTunes. Blog entries are welcome too. So are emails with feature suggestions or bug reports.

The target audience for ACTCurrency is travellers. ACTCurrency may handle any currency. For 35 major currencies, it additionally supports automatic exchange rate updates. As ACTCurrency always performs currency conversion both ways, it serves to answer both questions you may ask when faced with a price in a foreign currency. "How much is this in my home currency?" "How does the price back home convert to the local currency?"

ACTCurrency has been slapped by bad reviews from users who failed to read the simple instructions. Most importantly however, the recent release of ACTCurrency 1.2 addressed the main concern voiced by users: automatic updates to exchange rates. It is time for these reviews to be pushed from front page.