Houdah iPhone Properties
March 26, 2009 12:43 AM
| Cocoa-Touch, Development, Houdah, iPhone
| Permalink
I just open-sourced a couple of classes to simplify working with UITableViewControllers to create property editing interfaces.The controllers and views of this project may be used to easily create interfaces much like Apple's Settings applications. They make up most of the UI of the free LocrUpload application.The PropertiesViewController may be used to modify attributes of any key-value-coding compliant
HoudahGeo 2.2 BETA 1
HoudahGeo 2.2 shapes up to by another major release for HoudahGeo. Indeed HoudahGeo 2.2 will revolutionize the geocoding workflow for iPhoto '09 users.HoudahGeo 2.2 tightens the integration with iPhoto '09 by being able to write metadata back to the iPhoto database. (Obviously it is recommended to have a current backup of the database.) Integration with iPhoto is now completely seamless: HoudahGeo
LocrUpload for iPhone
Apple has finally given LocrUpload for iPhone its blessing.LocrUpload allows you to share your iPhoto photos on the locr.com community. locr is more than a photo sharing community. In addition to a free account, innovative software and an international community, locr.com makes it possible to tag your photos with location information and geodata anywhere in the world.I discovered locr when I was asked