HoudahSpot 2.1
Today marks the release of HoudahSpot 2.1. Thus update is just about as important as the release of HoudahSpot 2.0.Wasn't HoudahSpot 2.0 a complete rewrite? How can an incremental update get even close to being as important? Short answer: BlitzSearch.Thanks to BlitzSearch, HoudahSpot 2.1 now is a complete replacement to Apple's Spotlight UI. No more: let's just do a plain Spotlight search for starters.
Download conversion rates
For the first time ever, I have computed download to sales conversion rates.January HoudahGeo: 3.07%January HoudahSpot: 1.42%January combined: 2.10%December HoudahGeo: 2.68%December HoudahSpot: 1.33%December combined: 1.95%Sales-wise January has been my best month ever.HoudahGeo gets the better conversion rate. It is however much lower than the figure Andy has quoted. I'd be curious
Deep linking to downloads
February 20, 2008 08:03 PM
| Development, Houdah
| Permalink
Looking at the download stats for HoudahGeo and HoudahSpot, I noticed that I still get a lot of downloads on long since outdated versions of both products.I suspect this to be the effect of download sites deep linking to the ZIP files. Thus I have set up the following rewrite rules to redirect any deep link to the latest download:RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.*houdah.com.* [NC]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}
Interview with Pierre Bernard
Interview with Pierre Bernard, Founder of Houdah Software
(Via http://kupuk.com.)
Houdah Software has acquired Ebbinghaus
Houdah Software has acquired the rights to the study card software Ebbinghaus.The original author, Christian Kienle, has already invested a lot of effort in the development of Ebbinghaus 2. In the coming month we will finish that work and release the finished product under our own brand.We tentatively plan to rename Ebbinghaus into HoudahStudy.In line with Christian's original plans, version 2.0 will
Macworld awards HoudahSpot 4 mice
HoudahSpot has been reviewed by Rob Griffith for Macworld's Mac Gems column. HoudahSpot was found worthy of a 4 mice rating. Rob didn't yet get a chance to see HoudahSpot 2.1 which should to be ready next week. I think he'll like that version even more.