Françoise Bernard-Ley, artist
My sister-in-law has just published her first web site. She is an artist an uses the site to display her paintings and drawings.
Macworld after the fact
Time flies. A week has passed since Macworld.I however left San Francisco only on Monday. Thus I am still trying to cope with jetlag. As I write this, it is 6:26 AM here. I have been up for over an hour. I went to bed late and plan to return there within minutes.I just wanted to write down a couple more thoughts about my Macworld experience as an exhibitor:- Sales this month are good, very good- Only
Live from Macworld
Today is the last day of the Macworld Expo 2008.I am exhausted! I've been working the booth all week. Been on my feet, talking (loudly) to countless people, ... for about 8 hours straight each day. Never took more that 15 Minutes off. 1 or 2 breaks a day. Being a single person company can be hard work. But, boy, is this exciting.Couple of thoughts:- The ADC booth is really nice- Macworld allowed me
NetNewsWire 3.1 is free
Intelligent Attraction
I decided to no longer believe in gravity. I don't like gravity. Gravity makes me overweight.But it's the law! Well, the new law is called "Intelligent Attraction". Earth feels an intelligent attraction to my belly. That's why it pulls it down.Who do I petition to have Intelligent Attraction taught in schools?
Comments (1)
Release rush before Macworld
January 9, 2008 07:27 PM
| Development, Houdah, Mac
| Permalink
I am in an update mood. Next week I will be showing off HoudahGeo & HoudahSpot at Macworld. Obviously I want them to look their best.This week already saw the release of HoudahGPS 2.0 (now 2.0.1, oops) as well as a point update to HoudahSpot 2.The real big news will be the release of HoudahGeo 1.4. This comes with an arm-long release note. Mmmmh, many new goodies in there. You may grab HoudahGeo 1.4b1
The Founding Troop
January 1, 2008 12:19 PM
| Permalink
The Founding Troop: "On the morning of December 27th, Mike Lee launched Club Thievey with the crazy idea of the Mac and development communities coming together to transform a little stuffed lemur into an icon for our power to make a difference in this world.You can join Club Thievey by sending money to The Madagascar Fauna Group. As an added bonus, send Mike a copy of the receipt for donations over