HHusbObserver & HHserialObserver
December 31, 2007 10:00 AM
| Cocoa, Development, Mac
| Permalink
I have finally published my first bit of open source Cocoa code: HHusbObserver & HHserialObserver.Previously I have published a series of WebObjects code snippets. Lately I have kicked off a major open source project: Houdah WebObjects Frameworks.The fact remains that up to now I had not yet deemed any of my Cocoa code worthy of being published. HHusbObserver & HHserialObserver is not code to be particularly
Country statistics
Since the release of HoudahGeo 1.3, both HoudahSpot and HoudahGeo are priced in Euro. This move has become a necessity caused by the ongoing deflation of the US dollar.The choice of EUR versus USD for software pricing has oft been discussed on the MacSB discussion group. Many developers are afraid of losing US customers by switching to a "foreign" currency. Indeed it's a fact of the business that the
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Ho Ho Ho! Christmas comes early
Our friends at Rogue Amoeba have invited Santa to the Mac world.MacSanta is a web site with daily promotions offered directly by the featured software publishers. Using the coupon code MACSANTA07 in the respective web stores customers get 20% off the daily featured products. Previously featured products are sold at a 10% discount with the MACSANTA07TEN code. BTW, all the proceed go directly to the
Release time again: HoudahGeo 1.3
(Giving MarsEdit a try)Over the past weeks, a couple of Leopard incompatibilities have shown up in HoudahGeo. As I was already working on a HoudahGeo update, I decided to rush things a bit and make HoudahGeo both a feature and bug fix release.HoudahGeo fixes some minor and major Leopard issues. In previous versions, Google Earth export has proven to be unreliable on Leopard. Also, an API change - a
Honeypot: Cracked software?
On a dark corner of the loneliest street stands Lord Semtex. He ain't no Lord. Nor Lady. Nor Lair. He hacks. He cracks. Disassembles. Swaps bytes. Patches assembler. Speaks machine language with his peers. He's a master of his craft. A hax0r crack!His breakfast serial box holds many a surprise. KCN screw. License files. Keygen. What he doesn't unlock himself he gets from Rapidshare.By the moonlight
Blogs in Plain English
December 11, 2007 03:05 PM
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For all the Moms, Dad, Brothers and Sisters out there:http://swissmiss.typepad.com/weblog/2007/12/need-to-send-th.html
MacSanta has landed!
Ho! Ho! Ho! MacSanta brings daily discounts for the holiday season.And he has an RSS feed too. So you won't miss a single gift idea.