Download conversion rates
For the first time ever, I have computed download to sales conversion rates.
January HoudahGeo: 3.07%
January HoudahSpot: 1.42%
January combined: 2.10%
December HoudahGeo: 2.68%
December HoudahSpot: 1.33%
December combined: 1.95%
Sales-wise January has been my best month ever.
HoudahGeo gets the better conversion rate. It is however much lower than the figure Andy has quoted. I'd be curious to hear other developer's experiences.
HoudahGeo is much more constraining on the trial period. It is virtually useless in trial mode: you can export only 3 images at a time.
HoudahSpot is fully functional for 30 searches with no time limit.
January HoudahGeo: 3.07%
January HoudahSpot: 1.42%
January combined: 2.10%
December HoudahGeo: 2.68%
December HoudahSpot: 1.33%
December combined: 1.95%
Sales-wise January has been my best month ever.
HoudahGeo gets the better conversion rate. It is however much lower than the figure Andy has quoted. I'd be curious to hear other developer's experiences.
HoudahGeo is much more constraining on the trial period. It is virtually useless in trial mode: you can export only 3 images at a time.
HoudahSpot is fully functional for 30 searches with no time limit.